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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Dear Future Husband 11/28/15

Dear future husband,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving wherever you were! I also hope that you are a Mississippi State fan and are somewhere cheering them on in the egg bowl! It's ok if you aren't...I don't expect you to be PERFECT. I am decorating the house for Christmas and I was just hanging our stockings. I think I will hang an extra one for you this year just so you know that I haven't given up hope. I hope you aren't mad at me for listening to that jerkface when he told me that he was you! I totally think you should beat him up for impersonating you. You should be proud to know that I put God first and kept my focus on him through all of that and he protected my heart for you. I realize now that people will use my faith and anything else to get to me for whatever reason. As long as I keep my eyes on what is important I don't have to worry about that. I find myself wondering what you are doing right now. Are you mixing a drink and talking with your friends? Are you driving and getting lost in a song? Are you working and counting down the hours until you're home? Are you ringing your cowbell? That's it isnt it? I knew it! ;) Wherever you are I hope that you know I still pray for you and your family whatever you may be doing and wherever you may be. I pray in detail. I pray for your thoughts and your faith. I pray for whatever ails you. I pray that your family and friends support whatever it is that you are doing with your life. I pray that you think of me and what I may look like or what I may be doing. I pray that you have peace knowing that I'm not rushing into and out of whirlwind romances just for the sake of loneliness. I hope you know that I'm waiting patiently but expectantly to kiss your face. Until that day comes please keep your faith in me.

Your Future Wife

#dearfuturehusband #loveletters

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