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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Dear Future Husband 11/1/2015

Dear future husband,

Good afternoon darling. I hope your Sunday is treating you well. I want you to know that I still pray for you everyday. I know God is blessing you and I have faith that you know who I am. God has laid it on my heart to tell you that you are safe with me. Your heart is something I plan to take very good care of because I intend on exchanging yours with mine. I want to love you past your pain. I want to be the place you call home. I want to pray for you and hold you until every doubt disappears. It isn't easy allowing yourself to be vulnerable especially when your heart has been broken but we all come from a place of brokenness. It is through God's love and infinite grace that we are made whole again. I will never disrespect you. I will never let hateful words escape my lips. I will never be dishonest. I will always be loyal to you and grateful for you. I will always tell you how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate all you do. I will support you and lift you up when you feel tired. I will hold you close to me when you need rest. God blesses us in countless ways. He often blesses us by sending people into our lives to meet the needs we have. I want to know you and I want to be that blessing for you. I pray that when you find me that you wont be afraid. I pray that you will not doubt me. I pray that you will not distance yourself from me. If you run I will still be here praying for you. If you are scared then I will wait patiently until you know that I will not bring you any harm. Take your time sweetheart. You've certainly waited this long to find me ;) I am used to waiting on you by now. Until then just know I am praying for you and I live with expectancy.

1 John 4:18-19
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us.

Love your future wife,

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