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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dear Future husband 12/15/15

Dear future husband,

So it's almost Christmas and I hope you are having a wonderful holiday. Oh my goodness it just dawned on me you could be an elf! You could be Santa's son! I wonder if he and Mrs Claus had children?! If you're Santa's son hitch a ride on the sleigh this Christmas! What are you waiting for? I watched couples shopping together today and imagined what that will be like with you. My grandfather always found a bench to people watch while my grandmother and I shopped. I wonder if you'll be the same way. I've been baking holiday goodies and I imagine you sneaking in to grab a treat here and there....and maybe my baked goods too 😛. I plan to get out this weekend because I feel like you're tucked away in the crowds somewhere and I'm just never going to get to you if I don't get out of this house. Maybe this weekend is it. Maybe we will finally lock eyes for the first time. Maybe I will hear the name I will one day share. Whether it be this weekend or another 3 years from now I just know in my heart that when it happens there will be no question that we found each other. I get so frustrated and exhausted at the thought of dating and I know I can't be that way or I will never get to you. I just pray that God intervenes and sends you to me without me having to go trough everything I've gone through over the last few years. Sometimes I wonder if I saw your face via Skype for months while you were deployed. I wonder if that last call was the voice of my soulmate. I wonder if you're my angel waiting for me in heaven. God knows I've wondered if you were him many times. If that's so all I ask is for God to lay it on my heart and I will never love another man again. Sweetheart wherever you are and whoever you are just know I pray for you. My heart is full of joy and I'm not lonely. I have faith that when the time is right God will reveal you to me and until that moment just know I claim blessings over you. I pray that your days are filled with people who edify and guide you. I pray that you are surrounded by Christian friends and family who love you. I pray for God's protection over you day and night. I pray that you seek the Lord with all of your heart and prepare yourself to be the leader I know you are. I claim that you are highly favored and chosen. You are respectable and live a life of integrity. I love you.

Your future wife,
Ashley ❤️

#DearFuturehusband #Loveletters

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