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Monday, October 26, 2015

Dear future Husband 10/26/2015

Dear future husband,

I feel that you are near. I feel that God has revealed me to you and you have set your conquest on my heart. I wait with expectancy and validation. I will live each day with hopeful expectation of your arrival just as I am waiting on the Lord. He has given me a new song to sing and my heart tells me that you hear the melody within your soul. I know that you too are praying for me daily and for that I am so very thankful. I will never allow a day to pass without thanking God for bringing you into my life. I will never let your head hit the pillow without telling you just how much you mean to me and speaking positive encouragement over you. You will be the spiritual leader of our home. You will protect us against anyone wishing to bring us harm. You are protecting us now. Your altruistic character shines through your career and I am so very proud of you. A man who would selflessly lay down his life to protect the freedoms of the ungrateful is a man after God’s own heart and darling I can sing your praises from the rooftops. You love the Lord with all that is within you. You love him more than you will love me and I will serve you as I serve him. I will submit to you as God has commanded me to and I will honor you and love you with all that I am second only to God. I look forward to the mornings we study God’s word together and pray over our family. I look forward to the nights I lie in your arms. I look forward to our first date. I look forward to our first kiss. I look forward to you. Until then I will be faithfully and patiently awaiting your arrival.

Your future wife,

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